Thursday, November 4, 2010

New 2.33 jinashi shakuhachi / A

For a Myôan student from Taiwan I have made this custom jinashi shakuhachi  with an interesting sound: Full, rich, a bit like an upper tones of basoon. Made from matured hard dense Madake bamboo.  Black Urushi lacquer.  Well balanced, easy playability in both octaves.  Quick attack.  Nice full RO. This flute can easy hold one with medium hands. 
I will sand the root closer to the bamboo body on request.
Buyer wrote about this flute:
I appresiate your work  and thank you, I like the shakuhachi you made. As I play the flute more, I handle the flute well and blow sounds good. Finger holes is ok, I feel comfotable after days of practice.
The sounds of first octave are good, harmony, penetrative... from pure tone to complexive overtone,the sounds are rich.
Jinashi shakuhachi se zajímavým zvukem, který je plný, vzdáleně připomínající zvuk horních tónů fagotu.  Vyrobena z tvrdého hustého kusu vyzrálého Madake bambusu. Dobře vyvážená hratelnost, snadná pro obě oktávy. Rychlý nástup tónu. Pěkný plný zvuk tónu RO. Tuto flétnu může snadno držet člověk se střední (též i menší) velikostí rukou.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

New 2.59 Jinashi #1 Shakuhachi / G

Jinashi flute without an utaguchi inlay

Nice hard dense bamboo
Red Urushi
Well tuned - G (A at 440)
Shakuhachi has a quite big complex sound, nice full RO and delicate high octave notes.
Loud and vibrant.
Recommended to play the Myôan style, also can easy play the Dokyoku style & Dokyoku second octave patterns as well

(photos taken before finish the flute)

classification with rating from 1 to 5  
(holding the flute, intonation, balance,
layability, aesthetic, tuning)

  • H + + + + +
  • I  + + + +
  • B + + ++
  • P + + + +
  • A + + + +
  • T + + + +

New 2.59 Jinashi #2 Shakuhachi

Jinashi flute without an utaguchi inlay.

  • Nice medium dense bamboo, 7 years cured
  • Red Urushi
  • Well tuned - G (A at 446 HZ)
  • Shakuhachi has a mellow sound, nice RO.
    Play easy second octave notes. 
  • Suitable for the Myôan.
  • Can play the Dokyoku style include special patterns of this School.

classification with rating from 1 to 5  
(holding the flute, intonation, balance,
layability, aesthetic, tuning)

  • H + + + +
  • I  + + +
  • B + + ++
  • P + + + +
  • A + + +
  • T + + + +

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

1.8 Myôan Jinashi Shakuhachi

  • 1.8 jinashi s širším vývrtem
  • vyrobena ze staršího japonského madake
  • červený urushi lak
  • 1.8 wide-bore jinashi
  • aged japanese madake bamboo
  • red urushi lacquer

Friday, May 28, 2010

3.0 Jinashi Shakuhachi left-handed / E (A=440)

Vyrobil jsem tuto speciální shakuhachi pro Rajendru Teredesaie, výborného  hráče na indickou flétnu bansuri.
I made this special shakuhachi on request for great bansuri player Rajendra Teredesai.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Jam Session Shakuhachi

Setkání s flétnou shakuhachi proběhlo
ve čtvrtek v Brně 13. 5. v 16:00.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thunder / Hrom

1.7 jinashi flute

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shakuhachi classification

SIMPLE  classification
  • Usable / Usable++ (meditation flutes)
  • Fair / Fair++ (can play some honkyoku pieces)
  • Good / Good++ (can play most of honkyoku pieces)
  • Great / Great++ (can play most of honkyoku pieces with teacher)
  • Excellent / Excellent++ (can play most or all of honkyoku pieces, performing balanced flute)
 My opinion: Playing the honkyoku is no need to have the great or excellent balanced flute.  Personaly I like play the honkyoku with unbalanced flutes ( fair or good). It is like play the KOAN

HIBPAT,  more complex classification with rating from
1 to 5
  (holding the flute, intonation, balance, playability, aesthetic, tuning)

So there is a Mount Everest Shakuhachi:
  • H + + + + +
  • I  + + + + +
  • B + + + + +
  • P + + + + +
  • A + + + + +
  • T + + + + +

    Friday, April 2, 2010

    Zvláštní poděkování / Especially thanks

    Zvláštní poděkování  patří Dean Del Benemu (hráč na shakuhachi), Dan Shinkuovi (japonský výrobce meian jinashi-kan shakuhachi) a Kees de Fouwovi (hráč na shakuhachi).
    Dean mě velice podpořil mnoha radami a zdroji pro studium hry.
    Dan Shinkuova práce je mi velkou inspirací.  
    Kees mě věnoval vzácný materiál pro výrobu shakuhachi.
    Díky, velkorysí přátelé!
    Especially thanks to Dean Del Bene (shakuhachi player),
    to Dan Shinku (japanese jinashi-kan shakuhachi maker)
    and to Kees de Fouw (shakuhachi player).
    Dean very helped me trough advices and plenty of
    sources for study.
    Dan Shinku's work much inspired my own way.
    Kees gave me a rare material to making the shakuhachi.
    Thank you to all,  generous friends!

    Wednesday, March 31, 2010

    Za deště / In the rain

    TAMUKE 手向 Fuke-shu, 1.8 jinashi, part of recording

    Download link (mp3)

    Friday, March 26, 2010

    Posloupnost / levels at Meian Temple

    Posloupnost Taizan-ha skladeb vyučovaných v chrámu Meian.
    Starý styl.
    Taizan-ha levels taught at the Meian Temple
    Old style.

    平許 Hirayurushi
    1. 一二三調 Hifumi Cho
    2. 鉢返曲 Hachigaeshi no Kyoku
    3. 瀧落曲 Takiochi no Kyoku
    4. 山谷曲 Sanya no Kyoku
    5. 九州鈴慕 Kyushu Reibo
    6. 志図曲 Shizu no Kyoku
    7. 善哉曲 Yoshiya no Kyoku
    8. 奥州流 Ohshu Nagashi

    初伝 Shoden
    9. 秋田曲 Akita no Kyoku
    10. 門開曲 Monbiraki no Kyoku
    11. 轉菅掻 Koro Sugagaki
    12. 吾妻曲 Azuma no Kyoku

    中伝 Chuden
    13. 戀慕流 Renbo Nagashi
    14. 深夜曲 Shinya no Kyoku
    15. 巣鶴 Sokaku
    16. 雲井曲 Kumoi no Kyoku

    奥伝 Okuden
    17. 鹿遠音 Shika no Tone
    18. 鶴巣籠 Tsuru no Sugomori
    19. 榮獅子 Sakae Jishi

    別伝 Betsuden
    20. 陸奥鈴慕 Mutsu Reibo
    21. 打皷曲 Dako no Kyoku
    22. 筑紫鈴慕 Chikushi Reibo
    23. 鳳叫虚空 Houkyo Koku
    24. 龍吟虚空 Ryugin Koku
    25. 虎嘯虚空 Koshou Koku
    26. 鳳鐸 Houtaku
    27. 阿字曲 Aji no Kyoku
    28. 曙調 Akebono Shirabe
    29. 大和調子 Yamato Choshi

    皆伝 Kaiden
    30. 調子 Choshi
    31. 虚空 (秘曲)Koku
    32. 虚鈴 (秘曲) Kyorei
    33. 霧海じ(秘曲) Mukaiji


    1.8 Myôan Jinashi Shakuhachi / D

    Odhadem 40 až 50 let stará Myôan Jinashi shakuhachi
    Velice  hezký instrument se správným laděním.
    Hustý bambus, silný nebo jemný zvuk dle hráče. Lehce oválný průřez. Konstrukce a úhly UTAGUCHI umožní hrát tóny v KAN rejstříku, které mě připomenou zvuk hry na sklenice od vína (jak můžete slyšet v mé 2. nahrávce - improvizaci, ovlivněnou poslechem Takahashi Kuzana).
    Domnívám se, že na flétnu lze hrát též jiné školy.
    Cca 40-50 years old Myôan Jinashi.
    Very nice instrument. Tuning is very good.
    Dense Bamboo, strong or soft sound as the player will like.
    Slightly oval shape.
    Construction and angles of UTAGUCHI enable to play sound remind me playing the wine glasses (hear recording No.2 - my improvisation with some influences of Takahashi Kuzan).

    flute sound - sample 1

    Download link mp3
    flute sound - sample 2

    Download link mp3

    Sunday, March 21, 2010

    TAMUKE 手向 Fuke-shu honkyoku

     2.4 Myôan Jinashi bude zítra cestovat k novému majiteli. Chtěl jsem s touto flétnou pořídit nahrávku TAMUKE 手向 - Fuke-shu honkyoku.
    Opravil jsem nahrávku, 2.7 flétna (namísto 2.4)

    The 2.4 Myôan Jinashi will go to new owner tomorrow.
    I wanted record TAMUKE 手向 - Fuke-shu honkyoku, play this flute. There is first recording, of course imperfect. I am learning this piece just now.
    23. 03.
    I have corrected recording, play 2.7 flute (instead of 2.4)

    Thursday, March 11, 2010

    Značka / Hanko

    Rád bych představil návrh nové značky, kterou bych používal na vybrané flétny. Jde o propojení písmen S a M hlaholské abecedy. Značka též připomene stylizovaného člověka hrajícího na flétnu. Doufám že značkovač bude vyroben pokud možno brzy...
    May I introduce  my new Hanko? This sign combine two glagolitic letters "S" and "M". Maybe reminds a blowing man too. I hope will have a heat stamper soon...

    NEW 2.4 Myôan Jinashi wide bore Ab

    2.4 jinashi Myôan shakuhachi, vyrobená z japonského madake bambusu.
    New 2.44 Myôan jinashi  shakuhachi, 7 nodes, big bore bamboo.
    Made of japanese Madake. Very thick and dense piece.
    Ivory utaguchi. Dark red urushi lacquer in the bore.
    Some working in the bore (pressure points etc.) gives result in a very deep, beautiful and warm sound, which also brings rest to the people who listen to it. Play all the way into the third octave. This flute invite you to play in meditative way.
    Pitch Ab at 442hz.